Sunday, 3 February 2019

And didn't we have a loverly time...

Today is Js birthday and luckily it dawned cold and crisp with beautiful blue skies and hardly any wind so we bundled up in thick jumper (J) plus scarf, thick coat, woolly hat and gloves (me) and headed off to Warwick for the Snowdrop Day at Hill Close Gardens. 

A wonderfully resurrected piece of the town's Victorian past the gardens were once owned by individual families and are now beautifully maintained by a small staff and lots of volunteers. They are open to the public all year round and hold various special events too but despite working in Warwick for years, today was my first visit. It was wonderful and with the help of my trusty wheeled walker and a few carefully placed benches I managed to enjoy most of the gardens. Each one has it's own "personality" - for some it was carefully sculpted parterres and small hedges, others boasted mini ferneries and bosky glades, yet more had clipped lawns and sleeping beds or veggies, compost bins and fruit trees. several also have interesting little buildings well worth exploring and displays of art work, old tools or potting shed set-ups.

The snowdrops were planted daintily beneath hedges, in lawns, dedicated beds and even hanging from some venerable old apple trees. They were joined by emerging irises, hellebores, crocuses and aconites. Soon there will be daffodils and tulips too so if you are nearby I thoroughly recommend a visit.

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