Sunday, 10 February 2019

Meaningful Books

This week I was tagged into a twitter meme to post the covers of seven books that mean something to me. No explanations and no reviews. One a day for 7 days and pick someone else to carry out the challenge too. My problem was limiting it to just 7 but given the thought it required I thought I'd share them here too.

Frederick by Leo Lionni

Wild flowers of Britain by Roger Phillips
Folk-tales of the British Isles Edited by Kevin Crossley-Holland

Food from your Garden 

The lost words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris

The enchanted Isle by C W R Winter
Spiritwalk by Charles de Lint

It was fun hunting up just seven books and has given me more than a few for my "time to re-read" pile and a lot more for my "I forgot I had that" pile. Could you limit your list to just seven?

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