The tree is up and decorated but the greenery doesn't usually stop there. A few years ago J made a willow wreath for the front door which we decorate and hang each year. using whatever the hedgerows, allotment or garden can offer up. Whatever we cut we always make sure there is plenty left for the wildlife and it's all composted or re-used afterwards. This year I've redressed the hoop with greenery and berries from the garden - J cut these on Sunday before the rain set in and I spent an hour or so yesterday evening weaving in berried Ivy stalks, holly twigs, rosemary sprigs, fern fronds and privet berries then finished off with some twining ivy and a couple of pieces of reused red ribbon. I've also added one of the little stars he made to the centre of the wreath so now any visitors will be greeted with a sweet scented celebration of our garden as we count down to the Solstice and the New Year beyond.

Not one to let all the cut greenery go to waste I've also started a jug for the living room - it still needs a few bits of paler greenery to lift it so I'll have to see what I can find but it's not a bad start.
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