Thursday, 10 January 2019

Surprise stashes!

Yesterday's sorting brought a very nice surprise. Seeds! Before I became very poorly last winter we had a trip to the Wyevale 50p seed sale but we both had forgotten about it and had obviously just scooped up the seeds with the card, paper and other odds and ends and dropped them in the living room corner when I came out of hospital in January 2018. So we now have lots of lovely sunflowers, sweet peas, scabious and other flowers for a real mixed cutting garden plus lentils, chickpeas, summer sprouting broccoli and large leafed basil to add to the stores. Such joy to be found at the bottom of a hidden box.

And one extra mystery packet too:

Cow-rose? Much scratching of head - a brief twitter exchange - and a light-bulb moment - a few Springs ago we spotted a really pretty cowslip sized plant on the edge of our little meadow area - the difference from all the other cowslips? Primrose sized flower heads. So we marked it with a stick and protected it from the mower and watched it bloom and joy-of-joys set seed and dry out. J collected the seed and carefully marked them but then obviously they too got caught up in the chaos and lost from sight. Now we have the fun of waiting to sow and if we are lucky watch them grow and if we are super lucky watch them flower and then we'll see whether it's mutation is stable, whether it comes true, whether we really have our very own "cow-rose".

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