Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Pruning and pottering and wildlife camera challenges

Whilst I've been pottering in the kitchen and resting my bones J has used the break to get the fruit trees pruned and continue getting beds ready at the allotment. He's also been playing with his action camera to see what sort of films he can produce. So I give you "HOE CAM" !

We've also been trying to film the wildlife in the garden but despite happily posing when I'm here on my own they are singularly video-camera shy and despite several attempts all we have managed to capture is this fearsome beastie:

In addition to sowing some Aquadulce Claudia broad beans in pots here at the house, he has also managed to transplant a couple of rows of self-sown spinach beet and uncovered some beautifully healthy looking flower plants at the plot so there will be leaves and flowers in the spring. (photos when I next visit as I forgot to take my camera up when I went to pick him up on Sunday). 
Next steps will be to sow some peppers and onions here at the house later this month. Spring will come!!

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