Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Stalking the garden birds

As it is turning chillier more birds are starting to make an appearance in the garden and brightening our days, eating the food and emptying the bird bath with increasing regularity. We seem to have a resident pair of blackbirds, a couple of super-sized pigeons plus the robin, blue tits and great tits. This week we've also seen a male black cap, a wren and a dunnock and today they were joined by some starlings. I like these much maligned noisy little birds - they may be greedy but look closely and they are oh so pretty with their iridescent feathers. Now here's the rub - you're going to have to take my word for all these sightings as despite spotting them regularly and knowing they are about they are all determinedly avoiding the wildlife cam whenever we set it up and also seem to disappear whenever I get my ordinary camera out. I did manage to get a snap of the dunnock today but it's taken through the kitchen door so isn't brilliant so don't be surprised if you struggle to spot it here (right of the chair and washing line post!).

He's in there somewhere!

Fuzzy dunnock in today's garden
Let's just hope that they overcome their shyness by the time the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch arrives in a few week's time or I'll be sending in a nil return again!

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