Thursday, 25 April 2019

It's hot out there....

The long weekend flew by -  after a Friday spent shuffling bulb pots and basking in the sunshine we spent the rest of the weekend sowing courgettes and sweetcorn seeds, making a couple of trips to the allotment, catching up with friends and sheltering from the heat of the August Easter Bank Holiday. Yes, it was a lovely weekend after the long grey of winter and sitting out in the warmth felt wonderful and life-affirming and thoroughly joyful. But, stop for a minute, it was 25℃ in the Midlands in the middle of April and this came on the back of last year's long hot dry summer and news of Spring wildfires in Scotland, the Peak District and Staffordshire and is something that we really should be concerned about, in fact it should terrify us, it should mean we're rushing to insulate our homes, reduce our use of petrol, gas and other polluting fuels, plant trees and protect habitats, refuse single-use plastics and all other non-essential packaging and dispose of all of our rubbish responsibly, buy only organically-grown pesticide-free foods and sustainably produced clothing, to only consume what we really need not what advertisers make us think we want. It means that when we watched David Attenborough's BBC documentary on Thursday night or heard Greta Thunberg speak  that we finally let the penny drop, finally decided to take action, to listen to what scientists have been telling us for years, to believe our own eyes, to finally acknowledge that the climate has already been affected by our actions and our in-actions, to take our blinkers off and own up to the fact that it is up to US to change how WE live now or risk huge damaging changes that will detrimentally affect the lives of millions of people all around the world - not THEM, not just the politicians, the multi-nationals, the conglomerates, the governments, the others but US.
The question is are WE going to change or WE going to keep looking around for Someone Else to do something?

Ideas on where to start:

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