Saturday, 3 November 2018

November plotting (picture heavy)

Popped to the plot this morning to take a load of cardboard up ready for bed mulching and so that J could plant out our garlic cloves and autumn onion sets. Whilst he got busy sorting the bed out I harvested the last of our beans, some peppers that had miraculously survived the frosts and some spinach beet. I may also have spent a bit of time taking in the scenery, watching the birds (long tailed tits and corvids abounded but moved too quickly for my camera!) and taking lots of photos.

Since my last trip up there we have acquired new neighbours in the field behind us:

Despite the frosts there are still a few flowers in bloom:

 And the hazel and currant hedges are adding their own Autumn twist to the day:

As the clouds thickened it was time to head for home for tea and toast:

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