It's time for pie...
I first had a version of this many, many moons ago when I worked in Northern Greece, this is the closest I've been able to get to what I remember eating although a hunt around the internet shows that traditionally grated raw courgette is used. I also use shortcrust rather than filo pastry as it takes five minutes to make and costs pennies whereas filo needs to be bought in. It's also really easy to make a double batch and freeze half for days when life throws you a curve ball but you want real food. Some marrows can end up being quite watery so just bubble off the liquid until you have the desired consistency.
Marrow and cheese pie (works with courgettes that haven't got too big too!)

Shortcrust pastry (a batch made with 8oz flour is plenty for a four serving pie)
1 medium brown onion (3 small ones in my case)
About 750g of marrow or courgette peeled and diced
1 dessert spoon dried parsley

1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried Sage
appx 1tsp ground dried garlic (about 1 clove)
200g wensleydale diced (I usually use Feta but didn't have any today)
black pepper & salt to taste ( if using Feta don't usually need salt)
1 beaten egg

In a large saucepan, heat oil and slow fry onions to soften. Add diced marrow and herbs, stir well and cover and cook until soft. This will take anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes depending on density of marrow and size of pieces. Add salt and pepper and allow to cool a little (about 5/10 minutes) then stir in the cheese. Once cool enough to not scramble the egg stir it in as this will help bind the filling.
Line pie dish with pastry and spoon cooled mixture in. Cover with lid. Seal by pinching the edges and trim away any excess. Make a hole for steam to escape, glaze if wish and bake in oven Gas Mark 6 for approx 30 minutes until golden brown.
I often find this is sufficient as a meal in itself but it can be served with a green salad if you prefer. This is a lovely herby substantial meal that makes great use of sometimes tasteless veg and the chief taste tester approved and of course, went back for seconds!